They’re Golden – In More Ways Than One
At Three Pillars Senior Living Communities, what started a few years ago as a simple dream by our incredible Lifestyles team members has turned into a dazzling event.

The idea was simple: honor residents at our campus who are aged 90 and older with a special gift or program. How the idea has evolved since that one little idea will surely make you smile.
Several years ago, as one particularly spunky resident celebrated her 90th birthday, she insisted we gather all the other ladies who were 90 or older to take a group photo of “everyone in the club.” She posed in the center of the photo in an armchair; but not sitting with legs crossed. Nope, this woman struck a memorable pose. She sat sideways, leaning over one arm of the chair with both hands up in celebration, and her legs flung over the other side. The crowd of other ladies laughed and posed around her. This woman was thrilled to turn 90 and wanted to encourage others to be as proud as she was. She delighted in the shocked responses of her peers and staff when she showed them the photo. “Wow, all these ladies are over age 90, really?!” they’d say.
This pride and pizzazz sparked the idea that we should regularly honor and celebrate those of a certain age, perhaps with a special gift commemorating 90th birthdays. Before long, the “Golden Group” concept was added to Three Pillars’ official Wish List, a staple in our Development department which allows supporters to make meaningful gifts for much-needed items or programs. As you might guess, the Golden Group item on the Wish List caught the eye of several friends of Three Pillars, and donations started rolling in.
Thanks to the generosity of several donors, in March 2022, the first ever Golden Group celebration took place! Residents who were age 90 or older at Three Pillars’ Village on the Square Independent Living and Compass Point Catered Assisted Living received a shimmery golden invitation to come to this special debut event.
At the party, attendees each received a highly coveted golden pilsner tumbler with a custom logo and enjoyed a glamorous social. Live entertainment, themed appetizers, and of course a custom drink special made the event extra-special.

News about the Golden Group has caught on and the second gathering of the year just took place. Generous donations continue coming in to support high-caliber entertainment, custom golden pilsner tumbler gifts, and additional party treats, and we couldn’t be more grateful for the support!
“Time flies when you’re having fun! The entertainment is superb.”
– Village on the Square resident, Ray, on his experience at the Golden Group
With the “founding” Golden Group of approximately 60 residents aged 90+ now established, whenever a resident turns 90, they receive a personalized invitation to join the next exclusive gathering and receive their special pilsner mug. The group anticipates gathering regularly for social gatherings and entertainment for years to come – of course bringing their pilsner back each time to fill up with whatever special beverage is being served at the next social! Cheers to the Golden Group and celebrating that age is just a number!

Do you want to support this band of active and inspiring residents too? You can make a gift in honor of a specific Golden Group member as a way to say “happy birthday” or “thinking of you,” or simply shower our 60 members with love and appreciation. These men and women are vital, active, and inspiring—and they contribute so much spirit to our Three Pillars community! Thank you for making a difference in their lives.
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