Healthy Aging Tips for Older Adults
This guest post was contributed by Julie Morris*, life and career coach.
Staying active is a great way to improve one’s mental and physical capabilities. Whether you choose to go to a gym or work out in the great outdoors, improved stamina and focus, decreased depression, and enhanced memory are all factors that can improve someone’s life, especially after reaching your later years. Here are some ways to incorporate hobbies into everyday life that will also assist in maintaining an active lifestyle.
1. Find a Hobby
Finding a hobby, such as painting or playing an instrument, is key to enriching your life and is the perfect way to improve your mental health. In fact, hobbies can even assist seniors undergoing addiction recovery, helping them to gain new knowledge while increasing confidence and providing a means to focus on something positive. Listening to music, for one, has been proven to have a healing effect on those with dependency issues. According to Linked Senior, a hobby can also help slow down the aging process.
Cultivating something you love is not as difficult as you may think. You will probably also find that there are several activities that you are good at. Try diving deep into your childhood to capture a moment when a particular interest captivated you, or maybe there’s something you’ve always wanted to try but never found the courage. Look for inspiration all around you, but most importantly, don’t allow fear to keep you from finding a hobby that is uniquely you.

2. Exercise
Of all the hobbies, exercise has the most significant impact on our overall quality of life. While some fitness experts may tout the benefits of pushing yourself during a workout, you don’t have to exercise hard to gain the benefits. According to Mother Nature Network, pushing too hard can have adverse effects on your mental well-being, so be gentle with yourself and know what works for you.
Exercise is a great hobby and works excellently in achieving a mind/body balance. It encourages endorphins, which lead to a boost in mood and add a spring to your step. There are various ways to incorporate exercise into your day, depending on your abilities and personal needs. One may do yoga, walk, bike ride, swim, or even enjoy more heightened forms, such as running, playing a sport, or performing chores, such as gardening and woodworking to build up a sweat.

3. Stay Positive
While positivity is a great trait, not everyone can quickly obtain it. Being a happy-go-lucky person doesn’t necessarily mean one is a Pollyanna. In fact, you can add more joie de vivre in your life by acknowledging your emotions and going along with the ebbs and flows of daily life, instead of forcing yourself to be happy, even when you’re not.
There are various benefits to being positive which include a healthier outlook on life, increased lifespan, improved psychological well-being, as well as enhanced coping mechanisms when faced with hardships. To create more joy, find happiness in simple pleasures and open yourself to new experiences every day. Find time to hang out with those you love and cultivate a sense of adventure as you embark on a new chapter in your life. Learn a new skill every day and feed your mind with uplifting music, books, movies, and people. You’re never too old to have fun, so embrace your age as you develop alternative skills that will keep you sharp and feeling young.

No matter what your age or way of life, having a hobby is essential because it gives you the tools to focus on what you genuinely enjoy and encourages a better quality of life. While no two people are the same, keep these tips in mind as you endeavor to create a better you.
*Julie Morris is a life and career coach. She thrives on helping others live their best lives. It’s easy for her to relate to clients who feel run over by life because she’s been there. After years in a successful (but unfulfilling) career in finance, Julie busted out of the corner office that had become her prison.
Today, she is fulfilled by helping busy professionals like her past self get the clarity they need in order to live inspired lives that fill more than just their bank accounts. When Julie isn’t working with clients, she enjoys writing and is currently working on her first book. She also loves spending time outdoors and getting lost in a good book.
Shoe image credit: Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash